two items : * one side glue and other side clear lacuqer
Tin material : A : plan tin . B . epoxy resin C. modiflied ployester
Glue from 9.5gsm to 11gsm .
* both sides clear lacquer , lacuqer 1.5gsm per side .
Product descripion :
Aluminium foil from 60mic to 100mic . with cololess lacquer or glue
Alloy EN 8011 A ( according to european standrad en 573-3) . customer can specifiy its needs in
Order to choose the best thickness . alloy and temper of the material .
Coating properties : colorless and glue .
* epoxy or vinyl nature
* authorized for contract with foodstuffs ( FDA)
* peel strength test .
* glue gsm test
* seal temperature according to client’s requirment .